

Examples of Different Approaches to Putting Info Online
You can find out how to do it with a simple search

1. Write your document in Word and share it by email as an attachment.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-keWl9gtw6LZTJmOTJjMDYtNmE2Mi00YjIyLWEzMGEtMzg1ZWNiNTQzODg0/view?usp=sharing

2. Write your document and save it to a pdf, and email it as an attachment. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-keWl9gtw6LZGVlNzFkNzctZjFiMy00ZGUzLWEwMDctYjNjZDUyODBiZmE3/view?usp=sharing

3. Upload your word story to Google Drive and share the link.   https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-keWl9gtw6LZTJmOTJjMDYtNmE2Mi00YjIyLWEzMGEtMzg1ZWNiNTQzODg0/view?usp=sharing

4. Save your story to a PDF and upload it to Google Drive and share the link. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-keWl9gtw6LZGVlNzFkNzctZjFiMy00ZGUzLWEwMDctYjNjZDUyODBiZmE3/view?usp=sharing

5. Put your art in a Google Drive Directory and share it to family and friends by email.

6. Put your art in a Google Photo Album and share it to family and friends by email.  https://photos.app.goo.gl/cWapRqvWemUZ2wKi6

7. Put your info on a blog - that is what we did here.

8. Make a video telling stories with your art. You can do it yourself with a cell phone. You can upload your video to Youtube and share the link, or embed it in a blog. 

9.  There are a number of other ways, but start with these.

10.  You can use some or all of the above.


Michelman Masterpiece https://michelmanmasterpiece.blogspot.com/ J Michelman https://jmichelman.blogspot.com/ Murray the Corgi Blog https...